agora 2004 wien
bernd kastl - sculpture clay and wood
bernd spichtig - fighting with the stone
bert spichtig - the kiss - a sculpture in sandstone
bert spichtig - the kiss - unfinished sculpture in sandstone
bruno stuhlpfarrer - wood sculpture
bruno stuhlpfarrer - working in wood
cultural cooperation with youths from memmingen in germany - textile art
dieter herfert s trio
four sculptors talking
gerhard brandstoetter - cutting himself out
herbert ringelmayer - working in sandstone
mariya dimitrova dryanovska from bulgaria - in front of her composition about the haas house
michael pleidl from bratislava - painting
michael susana - working in stone
mosaique turtle
painting with acryl
peter sulo and samuel bencik from bratislava - flying gracies
rays of sun - light spreads on trees and sculptures
shahin from iran - shaping sandstone
shahin from iran - torso
the agora and the river - seen from the bridge
thierry gumrieren - in front of the easel